Donny and I began teaching children's Sunday School in August as the new school year began. Donny is teaching 4th and 5th grade, and I am teaching 4-5 year olds. I am in Hunter's class. At the beginning, I asked the Christian Ed. director if I could do it on a trial basis, because I did not know how it would go being in Hunter's class....It's amazing.
I am officially in love with teaching Hunter's class. I don't know if it's 4-5 year olds or being able to teach Hunter and his friends...or both. The funny thing to me is that we are going through the life of Moses. I am team teaching with the pastor's wife, so I officially taught for the first time today...on the 10 plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-10)...lovely. The curriculum we are using has fairly graphic pictures of the Nile turning to blood, livestock dying, boils, etc. I had to warn the parents as they picked up their kids that we talked about God's power in the plagues, so don't be surprised if they asked questions about locusts, boils, and the like. Hilarious.
As I taught today, I had the children pretend they were Moses giving Pharoah the Lord's message from Exodus 8:1 - "Let my people go, so they may worship me." I had them repeat it throughout the story. It was so fun when we got in the car this afternoon, and I asked Hunter to tell Daddy what Moses said to Pharoah, and Hunter shouted: "LET MY PEOPLE GO...SO THEY MAY WORSHIP ME!!!" I want Hunter to know so much that God does what he does because he loves us and wants us to worship him...and I guess I want to know more and more that God does what he does because he loves me and wants me to worship him.
Today was the first day Hunter sat through the entire church service with us. It was a communion Sunday, and they don't do a Children's Church on communion Sundays, because we value having the entire family in the service. We let Hunter bring his Jesus Storybook Bible (Thanks, Aunt Jenn!!!) to have during the service. When we got in the car after church, he asked if he could read his story Bible in the car so that he could "learn to obey God." Amazing.
We had lunch with some friends from church today, and we did not get home until 4. We put Millie down to sleep for about an hour, and I needed to rest too. Hunter came into my room and wanted to rest with me...precious. Then he brought in a toy cup and bowl with puzzle pieces in it. Hunter was going to serve me communion (not the first time this has happened). Before he served me the bread (puzzle pieces), he did something different...he said: "First, let's pray." Our elders pray with us before we take communion, so I guess he was taking his cues from that. Although I can't remember all of his words, I pray God will help me remember watching him bow his hands, fold his hands, and really talk to God. Some of his final words were "so I can know you." Oh Lord...would you let my son know you? Would you take any efforts we have to train him and turn them into a heart knowledge and love for you? Thank you for a precious day of seeing you at work in his life.
After "communion," Hunter told me a story from his Bible similar to how I do in Sunday School. He "read" from the Passover story in the New Testament (Lord's Supper). He would hold up the pictures and ask "Can everybody see?" as if he had a captive audience. After the story, we sang (his idea) "Christ the Lord is Risen Today." Alleluia.
It was one of those days when I had a number of moments when I shot up a little prayer asking God to help me remember this moment...and my memory fails me almost I thought I would write down what I could remember.
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