Thursday, April 09, 2009

Maundy Thursday Reflections

In the midst of teaching Hunter and Millie about Easter and preparing their hearts for this week and this Sunday, I realized last night that I needed to prepare my own heart. Of course, this is not the only time of the year I can reflect on Easter and Christ's death and resurrection...but it is a special time of remembrance...and I have been more intent on cultivating the soil of my children's hearts than my own.

I have been following a reading plan to read through the Bible in two years. Right now, I am in Leviticus (which I do not recommend reading each morning over breakfast...yuck). I decided today that Leviticus was just not what I needed to connect my heart with Easter (although I'm sure it could...I just need something a little more obvious today). I sat down to read Matthew's accounts of the Last Supper, Gethsemane, and the betrayal and arrest. After reading, I pulled out Hunter's Jesus Storybook Bible (which we highly recommend) and read the same stories.

Here is how it recounted Jesus' words during the Last Supper:
But this is how God will rescue the whole world. My life will break and God's broken world will mend. My heart will tear apart - and your hearts will heal.

I feel broken...and those words meant a lot to me today. Our family has been dealing with some hard things lately. Last month we said good-bye to Donny's maternal Grandmother who died in mid-March. Sometime soon (probably before the month ends), we will do the same with Donny's paternal Grandmother. We feel that we are swirling in death and sadness. In this, as I feel torn apart in so many ways, I hold to the hope that as Jesus was broken and restored in his resurrection, so we are and will be restored in newness of life through him. I am trusting that my heart will heal...due only to the love, kindness, and sacrifice of my Savior.

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