Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A Note to My 16 Month Old

Word of caution: This blog post is about nursing/breastfeeding. Consider yourself warned.

Dearest Will,

You are 16 months old today. I just nursed you for what I believe is the last time. Something strangely emotional about letting this part of your babyhood go. Both you and I had to work really hard to be able to nurse at all…but we did it. By God’s sweet grace, we did it. So tonight feels like a real milestone to me. Not only was I able to nurse you against the odds, I nursed you to 16 months. I know there are a lot of reasons why we have such a strong bond, but I know my fight to breastfeed you is one of them. I treasure our bond.  I will surely pay for it in some ways (like you not EVER wanting to go into the nursery at church or the YMCA), but it is so worth it. 

You’re not walking yet, but you will soon. I finally got your hair cut. You are moving on from the baby days. It makes me sad but also excited to see what toddlerhood has for you and for us and for our family.

Will, you are a delight to your Mommy, and I treasure my soon-to-be but not-ready-to-admit-it-yet big boy. I will miss the baby days. They were so sweet. BUT…I will not remain there or be overly sad that they are over. I will be greatly thankful and overflowing with joy that they happened (my adaptation of a Seuss quote), and I look forward to whatever is next.

Lord, thank you that I could breastfeed this baby. I never thought I would want something like that so much (or hold onto it for so long after his first year), but it was truly such a gift. Thank you, oh, thank you.

 The early days with Will

With his new haircut. Such a big boy!

Mommy loves you, sweet one.